Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Quarter 4 Cultural Traditions

Student Learning Objective- Students will explain cultural practices from a specific country.  Later, the class shares at least one detail about each country.  It is our goal to get even a small picture of what it is like to live in each country and how that would affect a citizen or a traveler.

Directions:  Complete on the same country as you had for the World Nations Report (see separate post). Find answers on credible sources whether they are online or print.  Any plagiarism results in a zero.  Paraphrase your answers and list the source or sources that you used after every question response.  Do not merely list the sources at the end.  You must indicate what source or sources you use for each question’s answer.  Answer in complete sentences.  Typed responses are preferred.  If you handwrite this assignment, it must be legible.  In that case, upload with a picture on the written document.  Pictures and other attachments must be labeled.  It is as easy as this.  Number each one.  Answer in full sentences.  Give the picture if needed and always the sources used before numbering the next. Upload to google classroom by the end of class on 5/7.  This is a 4th quarter Summative grade. Class time will be provided to students 5/5, 5/6, and 5/7.
Country Name:

1)      Staple food (explain if necessary and include picture):
2)      Unique food (explain and include picture):
3)      Major historical event (explain briefly):
4)      Major historical figure (explain briefly and include picture):
5)      Popular forms of entertainment (explain and include picture):
6)      Popular sport (explain and include picture):
7)      Holiday or celebration (Explain):
8)      Birth custom (Pick any birth custom and explain):
9)      Wedding custom (Pick any wedding custom and explain):
10)  Death custom (Pick any death custom and explain):
11)  Gender Equality? (Explain)
12)  Common boy or male name?
13)  Common girl or female name?
14)  Unique custom (Pick any cultural custom and explain):
15)  Unique dress (explain and include picture if possible)
16)  Attitude toward regional power (How do people feel about the major power in the country and region? (Positive or negative?))  Explain.

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