Friday, October 30, 2020

Italian and German Nationalism

World Regions and Cultures 11- Italian and German Nationalism
Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain change and continuity over time in Germany and Italy.

Germany and Italy 1500-Present
Objective- To see Germany and Italy’s transformation 1500-present in and out of dominance
·         Is Germany strong today? 
·         How can you tell? 
·         How is that amazing? 
·         Is Italy strong today? 
·         How can you tell? 
·         How is that amazing? 

1.       _________________ led to the unification of German-speaking peoples (Germany, _________________ and Austria)
2.       In 1861 Kaiser Wilhelm and Prime Minister Otto von _________________ started the unification of German-speaking peoples
3.       _________________ and Iron was their dedication to having a strong army and navy
4.       _________________ Politik” was the concept of ”real politics”
5.       _________________ -Prussian War in 1871 showed German-speakers’ rise
6.       P.Cook tells the story of the Denkmal- The woman there on the French border is taunting France
7.       The _________________ Reich (empire) was 1861-1918.  It ended after the WWI loss.
a.       November 11, 1918 was _________________ day and is Veterans Day in the US
8.       The _________________ Reich was 1918-1933 and was the weak Weimar Republic
9.       The _________________ Reich was 1933-1945 and was NAZI Germany
10.   1945-1989- Germany was split into
a.      _________________ Germany- Bundes Republik Deutschland or Federal Republic of Germany
b.      _________________ Germany- Deutsche Democratic Republik or German Democratic Republic (controlled mostly by the USSR and had a _________________ government.
11.   1989- Fall of Berlin wall
a.       Watch film clip
12.   1989-1991- _________________ of Germany
13.   1991-Present- Germany continues to be an industrial and technological juggernaut

14.   1850’s-1860’s- Kingdom of 2 Sicilies, Papal States, Sardinia, Tuscany, Rome, Lombardy, Parma, etc. came under one government- Italian _________________ 
15.   There were 3 leaders of the Italian Unification
a.       Mazzini was the _________________ - He spoke of a “Young Italy” in his books and essays
b.      Cavour was the _________________ - He was the Prime Minister of Sardinia- He made the diplomatic moves
c.       Garibaldi was the _________________ - His “Red Shirts” overthrew Sicily, etc.
16.   The 3 joined together and made King Victor Emmanuel II the King of Italy in 1861
17.   _________________ was added in 1871
18.   1914-1917- Italy was in the Triple Alliance and then Central Powers in _________________ 
19.   1917-1918- Triple Entente/Allied Powers- switched sides
20.   1936- Mussolini conquered _________________ 
21.   July 1943- King Victor Emmanuel III stripped Mussolini of power and Italy surrendered and left its involvement in _________________ 
22.   1943-Present- Italy has restored itself to a modern-day leader in many industries and has been an ally of the US throughout the Cold War and into modern times.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

French Revolution and Quiz #7 study guide!

Student Learning Objective- Students will explain the causes and effects of the French Revolution.
World Regions and Cultures 11- Western Europe- Scenario
Directions: After finishing the quiz, react to this scenario before the discussion- You are somewhere in Europe in the year 1789.  Assume every single person in this room is lower class (poor).  90-95% of your country and all the family and friends you associate with are poor.  Read each situation and decide how you would feel or what you would do
1.       It is impossible to change your social status.  You are born into the social class and will always be there.
2.       Nobles (5% of population) live a luxurious life
3.       Your leader is an absolute monarch (king or queen with all power), who lives a luxurious life
4.       Your monarch taxes you heavily to:
A)      support his luxury
B)      pay for massive wars of expansion he is leading
C)      Industries he is setting up (Industrialization)
D)      Expanding overseas trade
E)      Establishing colonies in other parts of the world (who sees the profit?)
5.       Diseases run rampant in your village/town/city
6.       Education for children or anyone else is poor
7.       Teachers are volunteers
8.       The government never fixes your town up, crime enforcement is poor
9.       The Roman Catholic Church owns half of your country’s land, and you cannot touch that extra land
10.    You must be Roman Catholic in your religious beliefs
11.    You feel that your leader does not care about you because of all this, but he feels his right to rule comes from God
12.    The king picks who joins the army and navy (drafts are common)

World Regions and Cultures 11- Western Europe- French Revolution
Directions: Use “Our World” textbook
1)       What kind of revolution is the French Revolution?  Why? (pg 22) ______________- overthrowing their own people who ruled them unfairly
2)       Who was held responsible for unfair taxation and poor treatment of middle and lower-class people? (348) King ______________XVI and Marie Antoinette
3)       What are the long-range causes of the French Revolution?
A.      Political Causes- (348)

Power ______________

B.      Economic Causes- (349)

unfair ______________
C.      Social Causes- (349)
church owned 1/2 the land
nobles lived life of luxury
Working class stuck in poverty

4)       What were the social classes in France in 1789? (349)
  1. 1st Estate- Clergy (______________)
  2. 2nd Estate- ______________
  3. 3rd Estate- Peasants (90%+)
5)       How did the French Revolution start?
A.      ______________Court Oath (349)
a. The people vowed to not disband until a ______________was written

b. The King was desperate for ______________so he recognized the National Assembly

B.      The storming of the ______________- (What happened?) (349) July 14, 1789- Revolutionaries stormed a fortress and prison- apparently found no weaponry but the revolution was on!

6)       What happened during the French Revolution (1789-1799)?  What was accomplished?
  1. Phase 1, 1789-1792- The National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man.  Explain these rights. (350-351) "liberty, equality, fraternity" and "men are born free and remain free and equal in rights"
  1. Phase 2, 1792-1794- What radicals took power? (351) "Reign of ______________"
How did they kill many people? ______________
  1. Phase 3, 1795-1799- A weak and ineffective 5-man government called the  Directory took power (351)
7)       Who took power after the French Revolution via a coup d’état? (351) ______________Bonaparte
8)       What was Napoleon’s strategic error? (352) stuck in Russia in winter
9)       Where and when was he defeated? (352) ______________1815
10)   Who took power after Napoleon Bonaparte? (352) ______________XVIII
11)   Name 2 good things that Napoleon established. (352) Established freedom of religion and ended persecution of Jews
12)   Explain how vast Napoleon’s empire was? (map 353) Most of Europe, almost as big as the Roman Empire
13)   Critical Thinking- Was the French Revolution a failure?  Why or why not?

14)   Critical Thinking- What has the French Revolution proved to man-kind?

Louis XIV: (Global Mosaic pg 664) Set up life of luxury for nobles
Louis XVI: (Our World pg 349) Was executed during French Rev
Marie Antoinette: (Our World pg 351) Was executed during French Rev
Bourgeoisie: (Our World pg 349) French ______________class which had been abused

QUIZ #7 Study guide (Friday, 10/30- Last Quiz of Quarter 1)
  • Adriatic Sea
  • Aegean Sea
  • Corsica
  • Crete
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • North Sea
  • Northern Ireland
  • Sardinia
  • Scotland
  • Sicily

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Age of Exploration

World Regions and Cultures 11- Western Europe “Age of Exploration”
Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain causes and effects of European exploration and colonial expansion into the "New World" or Western Hemisphere.

Leif Eriksson discovered Newfoundland  (Canada) in 1000 AD.  Eriksson leading a voyage from Iceland to Greenland was way off course.  His ships came across the Canadian coast and turned around.  Later, the “Age of Exploration” describes a time period where European countries wanted find new passages to India and China for trade reasons.  Later it was to find out what was in the Western Hemisphere and even later to pursue opportunities there ($$$$$$).
  1. Was the Western Hemisphere really a “new world”?  If not, why was it called that?

  1. What were the causes for European Exploration? (662)
    1.  ____________________ Trade Monopoly

    1.  Fall of ____________________ (2nd capital of Rome) to the Muslims

    1.  New technology
    2. Religious and economic motivations

  1. What technologies aided the Age of Exploration? (662)

More accurate ____________________
____________________ compass
Better ships

  1. What 2 Portuguese explorers went around the tip of ____________________ to get to Asia instead of a land route across Europe and Asia minor? (662)
Da Gama

  1. Dias originally called the tip of Africa the “Cape of ____________________”.  Africa is such a large continent that it blocks massive and violent winds.  When a ship gets to the very edge of Africa, there is nothing to stop the winds.  Many ships were wrecked and many people perished there.  Why do you think the Portuguese leaders changed the name?

The leaders wanted future adventurers to make the journey

  1. What did they call the tip of Africa after all that (it’s modern name)? Cape of Good ____________
  2. Explain what the two Spanish-funded explorers from 662 did.

____________________- 1492- sailed West to try to reach India or Asia in general- landed in the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, etc.

____________________- 1st to circumnavigate the world- Discovered the Strait of Magellan- sailed around South America and then Africa

  1. Negative effects of European exploration and expansion? (662-663)
    1.  ____________________ Trade
    2.  ____________________- #1 killer of Natives
    3.  Natives considered primitive
    4.  Wars
  2. What were some positive effects for the European nations themselves? (663)
    1.  Trade
    2.  New markets for manufactured goods
    3.  Entrepreneurs 
    4.  New alliances

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Renaissance and Reformation

World Regions and Cultures 11- Western Europe- Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration, etc
Student Learning Objective- Explain the effects of the Renaissance and Reformation on today's Western Europe and today's world!
Directions: Fill in the blanks in lecture format
1)       659- What were some accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci?
_______________and sculptor
Made plans for _______________machine, _______________and rapid-firing cannon

2)       What are considered his 2 masterpieces?
Mona Lisa and Last _______________- Very descriptive (both), challenged the rules (Mona Lisa), Last Supper appeals to masses

Mona Lisa

The Last Supper

3)       659- What was the “Renaissance” or “rebirth” time period? Rebirth of progress.  Time period after Dark/_______________Ages

4)       659- Where did the Renaissance start? Northern _______________
5)       660- What sparked the Renaissance? People were interested in the achievements of _______________and Rome

6)       660- What were three things the Italian Renaissance leaders stressed?
1- Art
2- Literature
3- _______________(explaining things through science)

7)       660- Name two important Renaissance writers and what they wrote.
1- Machiavelli- Wrote "the _______________" (Guide book for gov't)
2- William _______________

8)       660- How was literature of the Renaissance given a “boost” by a Johann Gutenberg invention?
Printing _______________-  mass production- before it was one book at a time

9)       663- What was the Protestant Reformation?  Explain! People pointed out bad things about the Roman Catholic Church hoping they were shape up- This caused a split in the church

10)   663- How did the Protestant Reformation begin in 1517? Martin _______________nailed 95 theses (problems he had with the RC church) to a famous cathedral

11)   663- What main problems did Luther have with the Roman Catholic Church?  Explain!
See #12
Also- RC church should tell people to pray and read bible

12)   663- Define- _______________: Money paid for forgiveness of sins

_______________: Giving church jobs to connected people

Simony: Making a profit off church property

13)   664- The Counter-Reformation was the Roman Catholic Church’s response to the Reformation.  Explain! The RC church did clean up their act in many ways

14)   Explain the division between the Christian churches today.
Still have-
RC Church (27% of Americans)
Protestant (54% of Americans)

15)   What are the different types of Protestant churches today?

16)   How does our culture appreciate the Renaissance today?

17)   How does our culture appreciate the Reformation today?

18) The ______________________ of "Age of reason" was roughly 1685-1815.  To quote "European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented...Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, in France and throughout Europe questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change. The Enlightenment produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions. The American and French Revolutions were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and respectively marked the peak of its influence and the beginning of its decline. The Enlightenment ultimately gave way to 19th-century Romanticism."

Monday, October 26, 2020

Middle Ages and Quiz #6 list

World Regions and Cultures 11- Western Europe in the Middle Ages
Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to summarize, analyze or evaluate the Middle Ages and will be able to make a connection from the Middle Ages to today's Europe or today's world!
This lesson covers Pages 650-656 in World Cultures: A Global Mosaic
  1. When you hear “Middle Ages”, “Dark Ages” or “Medieval times” what do you think of and why?

  1. Why is the time period called the “Middle Ages? 
  1. Why is the time period called the “Dark Ages?

  1. The word “Medieval” comes from "medium aevum" in Latin which means ____________
  2. What is the best name and why? 

  1. The decline of Rome was in 476 AD.  When did the Middle Ages last until? 1450 AD
  2. The Middle Ages was less impressive than before or after time periods because there were far less success stories.  Who was arguably the most successful General of the time? ____________
  3. The ____________system was set up because a military elite emerged and they served the leaders and all others became subservient in society.
  4. The ____________was the top of the Feudal system
  5. ____________served the King
  6. Vassals or lesser Lords served the Lords
  7. ____________or mounted warriors served the Vassals
  8. Everyone from Lords to Knights were called ____________because they were the minority in the Feudal system, they were the elite.
  9. At the bottom of the Feudal system were the common people.  The peasants were called ____________.  They were in protection of the nobles but were not allowed to leave the land and had to work hard.
  10. ____________faced discrimination and persecution but developed stable and successful communities where they continued their ancient traditions.
  11. Faced with the hardships of everyday life, people found hope in the ____________Catholic church.
  12. The Catholic Church played a key role in ____________.
  13. Men who wanted to pursue religious orders went and lived in monasteries and women who did the same lived in ____________
  14. The ____________set up schools and universities
  15. The 7 subjects in school were grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music
  16. Pope Urban II called for a ____________to take the “Holy Land” (where JerusalemIsrael is today) from the Muslims
  17. By 1291, ____________had recaptured all lands!
  18.  “Black Death”, “Black Plague” or Bubonic ____________killed an estimated 25,000,000 people in Europe, which was around 1/3 of the population!
  19. Why did the post-sneeze saying “God bless you” originate during this time? 

  1. What popular child rhyme comes from this time? 
  2. Critical Thinking- What is your opinion of the Crusades and its effects?
STUDY- Quiz #6- Capitals! Tuesday, October 27:
  • Athens, Greece
  • Rome, Italy
  • London, UK
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Paris, France

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Ancient Rome Notes

World Regions and Cultures 11- Western Europe- Ancient Rome Notes

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the effects of Roman civilization!

  1. In 509 B.C. Rome was founded as a ______________.
  2. People who owe allegiance to and are entitled to protection from a state are called ____________
  3. The two types of citizens in Rome were the ____________and the ____________(plebs).
  4. ____________were the wealthy landowners who were favored by the law
  5. ____________were made up by farmers, merchants and other citizens
  6. ____________could not vote or hold office
  7. ____________, who were foreigners captured in wars, had no rights
  8. The law of the 12 ____________was famous for being an early law code
  9. Rome was an early example of ____________Democracy
  10. Like the American 2 house system, the ____________branch was made up of 2 houses.
  11. The ____________represented the Patricians
  12. The Assembly represented the Plebs
  13. The ____________branch was headed by 2 consuls who served 1 year terms.
  14. Later in the Republic, ____________gained the ability to make their own wills and business arrangements and to control their own money and property.
  15. Also, ____________gained the right to purchase their freedom and become citizens.
  16. By 290 BC Rome had grown from a small Republic along the Tiber River to controlling almost all of the Italian ____________
  17. Rome ended up conquering and controlling vast areas (see map pg. 318) because of army units divided into ____________
  18. legions were groups of 80 to 100 men
  19. All male, adult citizens had to serve in the army or navy
  20. From 264-146, Rome defeated ____________and their leader Hannibal.  It was one of the biggest victories
  21. Crises and civil wars caused Rome to become more of a ____________in the 1st Century BC
  22. Julius Caesar became the first ____________or dictator of Rome
  23. The Roman Language was ____________
  24. Today, 5 languages are based on Latin.  They are called the Romantic languages
  25. They are French, Italian____________Spanish and Romanian
  26. Roman architecture is famous for ____________, domes, columns, cement, etc.
  27. Rome had an extensive trade network which included Central Asia, Africa, and Europe
  28. At first, the ____________gods were imitated and altered for Religion
  29. Christianity and ____________as a whole was banned because it challenged Roman beliefs
  30. In 313 AD Constantine ended the persecution of Christians in the Roman empire
  31. Constantine also created a 2nd or “Eastern” capital called ____________in the modern-day city of Istanbul
  32. In 392 AD, Christianity became the official Roman religion
  33. In 396 AD, Emperor Theodocius outlawed the ____________games
  34. After the fall of RomeConstantinople became the famous capital of a very powerful empire named ____________empire which controlled much of the known world until the 15thcentury
  35. After that empire fell, Turks controlled the powerful Ottoman empire out of modern-day Istanbul
  36. Why and how did Rome collapse since it was so unbelievably strong?
    1. ____________
    2. high tax rate and low birth rate
    3. bad and greedy leaders
    4. Peasants and Slaves unhappy (Spartacus)
    5. Rome was spread too thin
    6. Defeated by many ____________tribes
                                                              i.      Visagoths
                                                            ii.      Ostragoths
                                                          iii.      Franks

                                                          iv.      Vandals

Prepare to locate the following on a map for Quiz #5, which is Friday, 10/23:
  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Switzerland
  • Austria
  • Italy
  • Holy See (Vatican City
  • San Marino
  • Greece
  • Malta
  • Norway
  • Sweden

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Ancient Greece Notes #2

Ancient Greece Notes #2
Directions: Record your answers for numbers 1-12 quietly while others share theirs.  If you want to share an answer, raise your hand and wait to get called on.  We will discuss them while others write down their answers and listen and respond to others.  You do not have to discuss anything that makes you uncomfortable but the more discussion the better.  For the rest of the questions, I will tell myths and the class should write down the basic facts documenting the story.

Student Learning Objective- Students will discover how myth becomes history and will analyze 3 specific Greek tales.

  1. How important is telling the truth?  Explain.
  1. When is not telling the truth ok?  Explain.
  1. Give an example of someone you know that does not tell the truth.  Explain your opinion on that person.  Please no names.
  1. Give an example of a situation where you were lied to and you found out the truth later on.  Explain your experience and your current opinion on the experience.
  1. What History do you wonder or have you always wondered whether it was true or not?  Why?
  1. How does truth get altered over time even if nobody lies?
  1. Demonstration!  Reflect on the demonstration from the beginning of class.
  1. What is a myth?
  1. How does a myth become history?
  1. What are some myths?
  1. What are some Greek myths?
  1. What do you make out of Greek history having gods involved?
  1. What famous Greek books involve many gods?
    1. The Odyssey

    1. The Iliad

    1. Oedipus Rex (Oedipus the King)

  1. Who was “Helen of Troy” and what happened to her?

What was the Trojan War?

HW- Work on the Western Europe Cultural Traditions!

Ancient Greece Notes #1

World Regions and Cultures 11- Ancient Greece Notes #1

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the effects of Greek civilization on modern Europe and the world.

Directions: Answer #1-13 from your own knowledge and with the indicated book.  The class will record the answers while students report the answer aloud in class if they are called on.  Then complete the rest during the class lecture.
  1. What are the ancient Greeks famous for? (Pages 644-647 in “A Global Mosaic”)
  1. What impact have the ancient Greeks had on our civilization, technology, innovations, ideas and culture?
  1. What is your opinion of Direct Democracy?
  1. What is your opinion of Limited Democracy?
  1. What is your opinion of Indirect Democracy?
  1. What is your opinion of the Olympic Games?
  1. Name 7 Greek city-states from the map on pg. 314 of “Our World”.
  1. Read 312 (aloud) and answer the questions.
  1. What ancient empire tried to control all of Greece from 490-479 BC? (pg 314)
  2. What city on pg. 314 would Greeks fight a very important war against (war is named after the city)?
  3. A Macedonian named __________________ created a huge empire which can be seen in the map on page 315.
  4. Explain how vast the “Hellenistic Empire” grew to become.

  1. Look at the map on page 318.  How large was the Roman Empire at its height?

  1. An _________________ is a central government ruling over many kingdoms.
  2. A ______________ is an independently governed city that is surrounded by farmland from which it survives.  Usually the city walls do not surround most of the city, but citizens can be protected by the fortress in a time of war.
  3. A ______________ was a Greek city-state
  4. When was Greece an “empire”?
  5. What was 500 BC-400 BC called?
  6. When was Rome an “empire”?
  7. How can it be argued that Greece was not an empire?
  1. How can it be argued that Greece was indeed an empire?
  1. Where were the ancient Olympics held?
  2. What events were typical in the first Olympics?
  3. What were the first Olympians like?
  4. When were the 1st Olympic games held?
  5. When were the Olympics cancelled?
  6. Why and by whom were the Olympics cancelled?
  7. When and where were the Olympics brought back? (1st modern Olympics)
  8. What was added to the Olympics since the first modern games?
  9. How have the Olympics changed since?
  10. What is the story of the first Marathon?

  1. What was Sparta famous for?
  2. What was Athens famous for?
  3. _______________ was the teacher of ________________ who was the teacher of ________________ who was the teacher of _____________________.
  4. Socrates is famous for the _________________, which is the discovering of truth by asking a series of questions and sometimes challenging accepted beliefs.
  5. He was put in prison and executed on the charges of _____________________.
  6. Plato wrote the __________________ in which he proposed a __________________ as leader due to his dislike for the corruption involved in __________________.
  7. Plato emphasized wisdom, truth, courage, justice and reason as “_________________”
  8. Aristotle is credited for pioneering ______________, which is a set of rules for reasoning.  He also made many mathematical and scientific advancements.
  9. Aristotle was hired by Philip II of ___________________ to teach his young heir son named ________________________.
  10. _______________ was the supreme god and/or “god of the sky” of the Greeks
  11. ________________ was the god of prophesy, music and healing
  12. _________________ was the goddess of love, beauty and fertility
HW- Work on Western Europe Cultural Traditions!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Direct and Indirect Democracy, etc.

This is what we covered in class on 10/19.  Simulations are fun!

Direct Democracy (Democracy)-

Limited Democracy-



Indirect Democracy (Republic)-

Democratic Republic-


Western Europe Cultural Traditions due end of class 10/22

Student learning objective- Students will generate knowledge of unique cultural customs of a specific country from Western Europe.

World Regions and Cultures 11- Western Europe Cultural Traditions Checklist
Directions:  Complete on the same country as you had for the World Nations Report (see separate post). Find answers on credible sources whether they are online or print.  Any plagiarism results in a zero.  Paraphrase your answers and list the source or sources that you used after every question response.  Do not merely list the sources at the end.  You must indicate what source or sources you use for each question’s answer.  Answer in complete sentences.  Typed responses are preferred.  If you handwrite this assignment, it must be legible.  In that case, upload with a picture on the written document.  Pictures and other attachments must be labeled.  It is as easy as this.  Number each one.  Answer in full sentences.  Give the picture if needed and always the sources used before numbering the next. Upload to google classroom on 10/22.  Class time will be provided to students on 10/19, 10/20, 10/21 and 10/22 after lecture, discussion, class activity, etc.
Country Name:

1)      Staple food (main food(s) eaten- explain if necessary and include picture):
2)      Unique food (explain and include picture):
3)      Major historical event (explain briefly):
4)      Major historical figure (explain briefly and include picture):
5)      Popular forms of entertainment (explain and include picture):
6)      Popular sport (explain and include picture):
7)      Holiday or celebration (Explain):
8)      Birth custom (Pick any birth custom and explain):
9)      Wedding custom (Pick any wedding custom and explain):
10)  Death custom (Pick any death custom and explain):
11)  Is the society paternalistic, maternalistic or egalitarian?  Paternalistic societies are male-dominated and maternalistic societies are especially female-oriented. (Explain)
12)  Common boy or male name?
13)  Common girl or female name?
14)  Unique custom (Pick any cultural custom and explain):
15)  Unique dress (explain and include picture if possible)
16)  Attitude toward regional power (How do people feel about the major power in the country and region? (Positive or negative?))  Explain.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

"French Lesson" (Class time 10/16)

Student Learning Objective- Students will make a list of French words used in English, identifying the influence of the French language on the English language.

Make a list of words that we use in English, but they are originally French.  If you cannot think of a good list, look it up.

Then, as a class we made a huge list of words that we use in English that are actually French words!

Be able to explain what these mean on the test later this month!

Western Europe Country Profiles

Student Learning Objective- Students will compile knowledge about Western European countries mostly in the form of a list, to identify what people from these countries identify as their nationality and what languages they speak.  This serves as reinforcing and growing cultural literacy.

Why is Greece part of Western Europe?

What familiar places are part of the UK?

Great Britain?




We made a chart for all 23 countries of Western Europe.  We did the first 3 fields including country for all countries and only mentioned the others here and there when notable.

Country                           Nationality                      Language(s)                    Important fact?



















San Marino

Holy See (Vatican)




Study for Quiz #4, which is a Western Europe countries map quiz taken Friday, October 16
  • Iceland
  • Ireland 
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Andorra 
  • France
  • Monaco 
  • Luxembourg 
  • Liechtenstein 
  • Netherlands has Western Europe Map Quiz (Countries).  It is good for studying.  Or print out a blank map with borders and label it and quiz yourself.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

"English Lesson"

If you have to watch it on your phone or another device on it's called "Why do Americans insist on calling it aluminum"

This will be a section on the test later this month, as is most of what we do in class.

The class discussed how our "American" language has evolved from English.  Be prepared to be able to do the following on the Western Europe Test:

  • List words that are spelled differently by the English

  • List words that are pronounced differently by the English

  • List words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings.

Student Learning Objective- Students will compare and contrast the English language with the American language.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Countries for Western Europe World Nations Reports and Cultural Traditions (G)

 Aiello- Germany

Barbagallo- Austria

Battle- Nentherlands

Benway- Malta

Calomo- San Marino

Costanzo- Belgium

Cruz- Luxembourg

Galdamez- Martinez- Denmark

Gillis- Liechtenstein

Hernandez-Reyes- Sweden

Joseph- Switzerland

Lichtenwald- Andorra

Macchi- Norway

Marchant- Iceland

Moore- Ireland

Olsen- UK

Plourde- Greece

Quintanilha- Italy

Rose- Monaco

Emily Shea- France

Haily Shea- Portugal

Smith- Spain 

Countries for Western Europe World Nations Reports and Cultural Traditions (F)

 Bolcome- France

Burke- UK

Connolly- Portugal

Emerson- Spain

Donahue- Germany

Marrone- Ireland

Palazola- Greece

Piraino- Netherlands

Quince- Denmark

Santos- Italy

Scuderi- Switzerland

Silva- Belgium

Stasio- Norway

Ulrich- Austria

Verga- Sweden

Wood- Luxembourg

Western Europe World Nations Report 2020!

 See another post for country

World Regions 11- World Nations Report 2020-2021
Directions: Using the “CIA world factbook” (, identify all of the required pieces of information about your country.  Google “CIA world factbook” to easily find.  Drag down from list of countries to find your country.  The responses do not have to be in complete sentences, but they must be legible, clear, precise and correct.  I prefer that the answers are written on this paper usually but we will do a google doc in 2020-2021.
  1. Country name-
Geography- Do all 14
  1. Continental Location (Relative)-
  1. Geographical Location (Absolute)-
  2. Size (total area in square Kilometers  or square Miles)-
  3. Area country comparison to the world-
  4. Area comparative-
  5. Climate-
  1. Terrain-
  1. Elevation extremes-
  1. Natural resources-
  1. Land use/arable land-
  1. Natural hazards-
  1. Environment-current issues-
  1. Environment- international agreements-

People- Pick 7
15.    Nationality-
16.    Ethnic Groups-
17.    Language(s)-
18.    Religion-
  1. Population-
  2. Total median age-
  3. Birth rate-
  4. Death rate-
  5. Net migration rate-
  6. Urbanization/Urban Population-
  7. Maternal mortality rate country comparison to the world-
  8. Infant Mortality rate/country comparison to the world-
  9. Total Life expectancy-
  10. HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate-
  11. Obesity- adult prevalence rate-
  12. Literacy of total population-
  13. Total school life expectancy-
  14. Total unemployment rate-
Government- Pick 4
  1. Country name Conventional long form-
  2. Country name Conventional short form-
  3. Country name Local long form-
  4. Country name Local short form-
  5. Government type-
  6. Capital-
  7. Independence-
  8. Constitution-
  9. Legal system-
  10. Suffrage-
  11. Executive Branch/Chief of State and Head of Government (if the country has both)à Give the office held and name of the person or people-
  12. Diplomatic Representation in the US-
  13. Diplomatic Representation from the US-
  14. National Symbol-
  15. National Anthem-
Economy- Pick 5
  1. GDP purchasing power parity country comparison to the world-
  2. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) official exchange rate-
  3. GDP per capita country comparison to the world
  4. Agriculture-
  5. Industries-
  6. Labor force-
  7. Labor force by occupation-
  8. Unemployment rate country comparison to the world-
  9. Population below poverty line-
  10. Budget (revenues and expenditures)-
  11. Taxes country comparison to the world-
  12. Public debt country comparison to the world-
  13. Inflation rate country comparison to the world-
  14. Market value of publicly traded shares country comparison to the world-
  15. Exports-
  16. Exports/Commodities-
  17. Exports/Partners-
  18. Imports-
  19. Imports/Commodities-
  20. Imports/Partners-
  21. Exchange rates-
Energy- Pick 1
69.    Crude oil production-
70.    Crude oil exports-
71.    Crude oil imports-
Communications- Pick 1
  1. Telephones mobile cellular country comparison to the world-
  2. Broadcast media (summarize very briefly)-
  3. Internet users and country comparison to the world-
Transportation- Pick 1
  1. Airports country comparison to the world-
  2. Railways country comparison to the world-
  3. Waterways country comparison to the world-
Military- Pick 1
  1. Military branches-
  2. Military service age and obligation-
  3. Manpower fit for military service-
  4. Military expenditures and country comparison to the world-
Transnational Issues- Pick 1
  1. Summarize a national or international dispute-
  2. Refugees and internationally displaced persons-
  3. Illicit drugs-
From the beginning of the web page (Staple this information to this paper)- DO BOTH

  1. Attach a picture of your nation’s flag 
  2. Attach a map of your country’s location within the continent (in this case the map must show Europe and where your country is within the region)

Monday, October 5, 2020

Culture and Geography Review Sheet

World Regions and Cultures 11- Geography and Culture Review Sheet
Directions: Define all terms and concepts to prepare for them being on the test.  All of the following were covered in class and/or could be on the Culture and Geography Test on October 8 which will be taken on chromebooks on moodle.  

Types of Maps:
Political Map
Physical Map
Map Features:
Prime Meridian
Key (legend)
Topographical features (page 24 or use the dictionary and a map):
Climate Zones:
Tropical, Subtropical, Arctic, Sub-Arctic, Temperate, Coastal, Inland, Mediterranean, Arid
Cultural Vocabulary:
Traditional Society
Cultural Diffusion
What are the World Regions according to the textbook?
Economic System
Traditional Economy
Market Economy
Free Enterprise (Free Market, Capitalism, Laissez Faire)
Command Economy
Political System
Revolutions for national independence (national revolution)
Social revolution
Industrial revolution
Post-Industrial Revolution
Coup d’état
“The West”/“Western” (aspects of)
“The East”/“Eastern”
Absolute and Relative Location
Human and Physical Characteristics
5 Themes of Geography

Test Format
58 multiple choice (80 points)
List (10 points)
Essay (10 points)