Saturday, December 19, 2020

Latin America Cultural Traditions

 World Regions and Cultures 11- Latin America Cultural Traditions Checklist

Directions:  Complete on the same country as you had for the World Nations Report (see separate post). Find answers on credible sources whether they are online or print.  Any plagiarism results in a zero.  Paraphrase your answers and list the source or sources that you used after every question response.  Do not merely list the sources at the end.  You must indicate what source or sources you use for each question’s answer.  Answer in complete sentences.  Typed responses are preferred.  If you handwrite this assignment, it must be legible.  In that case, upload with a picture on the written document.  Pictures and other attachments must be labeled.  It is as easy as this.  Number each one.  Answer in full sentences.  Give the picture if needed and always the sources used before numbering the next. Upload to google classroom by 12/23.  Class time will be provided to students during the week of 12/21.
Country Name:

1)      Staple food (explain if necessary and include picture):
2)      Unique food (explain and include picture):
3)      Major historical event (explain briefly):
4)      Major historical figure (explain briefly and include picture):
5)      Popular forms of entertainment (explain and include picture):
6)      Popular sport (explain and include picture):
7)      Holiday or celebration (Explain):
8)      Birth custom (Pick any birth custom and explain):
9)      Wedding custom (Pick any wedding custom and explain):
10)  Death custom (Pick any death custom and explain):
11)  Gender Equality? (Explain)
12)  Common boy or male name?
13)  Common girl or female name?
14)  Unique custom (Pick any cultural custom and explain):
15)  Unique dress (explain and include picture if possible)
16)  Attitude toward regional power (How do people feel about the major power in the country and region? (Positive or negative?))  Explain.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Latin America World Nations Reports (Work on 12/18 and 12/21 if need be)

 See another post for Latin American country

World Regions 11- World Nations Report 2020-2021
Directions: Using the “CIA world factbook” (, identify all of the required pieces of information about your country.  Google “CIA world factbook” to easily find.  Drag down from list of countries to find your country.  The responses do not have to be in complete sentences, but they must be legible, clear, precise and correct.  I prefer that the answers are written on this paper usually but we will do a google doc in 2020-2021.
  1. Country name (required)-
Geography- Do all 14
  1. Continental Location (Relative)-
  1. Geographical Location (Absolute)-
  2. Size (total area in square Kilometers  or square Miles)-
  3. Area country comparison to the world-
  4. Area comparative-
  5. Climate-
  1. Terrain-
  1. Elevation extremes-
  1. Natural resources-
  1. Land use/arable land-
  1. Natural hazards-
  1. Environment-current issues-
  1. Environment- international agreements-

People- Pick 7
15.    Nationality-
16.    Ethnic Groups-
17.    Language(s)-
18.    Religion-
  1. Population-
  2. Total median age-
  3. Birth rate-
  4. Death rate-
  5. Net migration rate-
  6. Urbanization/Urban Population-
  7. Maternal mortality rate country comparison to the world-
  8. Infant Mortality rate/country comparison to the world-
  9. Total Life expectancy-
  10. HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate-
  11. Obesity- adult prevalence rate-
  12. Literacy of total population-
  13. Total school life expectancy-
  14. Total unemployment rate-
Government- Pick 4
  1. Country name Conventional long form-
  2. Country name Conventional short form-
  3. Country name Local long form-
  4. Country name Local short form-
  5. Government type-
  6. Capital-
  7. Independence-
  8. Constitution-
  9. Legal system-
  10. Suffrage-
  11. Executive Branch/Chief of State and Head of Government (if the country has both)à Give the office held and name of the person or people-
  12. Diplomatic Representation in the US-
  13. Diplomatic Representation from the US-
  14. National Symbol-
  15. National Anthem-
Economy- Pick 5
  1. GDP purchasing power parity country comparison to the world-
  2. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) official exchange rate-
  3. GDP per capita country comparison to the world
  4. Agriculture-
  5. Industries-
  6. Labor force-
  7. Labor force by occupation-
  8. Unemployment rate country comparison to the world-
  9. Population below poverty line-
  10. Budget (revenues and expenditures)-
  11. Taxes country comparison to the world-
  12. Public debt country comparison to the world-
  13. Inflation rate country comparison to the world-
  14. Market value of publicly traded shares country comparison to the world-
  15. Exports-
  16. Exports/Commodities-
  17. Exports/Partners-
  18. Imports-
  19. Imports/Commodities-
  20. Imports/Partners-
  21. Exchange rates-
Energy- Pick 1
69.    Crude oil production-
70.    Crude oil exports-
71.    Crude oil imports-
Communications- Pick 1
  1. Telephones mobile cellular country comparison to the world-
  2. Broadcast media (summarize very briefly)-
  3. Internet users and country comparison to the world-
Transportation- Pick 1
  1. Airports country comparison to the world-
  2. Railways country comparison to the world-
  3. Waterways country comparison to the world-
Military- Pick 1
  1. Military branches-
  2. Military service age and obligation-
  3. Manpower fit for military service-
  4. Military expenditures and country comparison to the world-
Transnational Issues- Pick 1
  1. Summarize a national or international dispute-
  2. Refugees and internationally displaced persons-
  3. Illicit drugs-
From the beginning of the web page- DO BOTH

  1. Attach a picture of your nation’s flag 
  2. Attach a map of your country’s location within the continent or region or world

G Block Countries for the Latin America World Nations Report and Cultural Traditions

Aiello- Dominican Republic

Barbagallo- Barbados

Battle- Haiti

Benway- Venezuela

Calomo- Colombia

Costanzo- Bolivia

Cruz- Brazil

Galdamez- Martinez- Guyana

Gillis- Costa Rica

Joseph- Argentina

Macchi- Jamaica

Marchant- Mexico

Moore- Ecuador

Olsen- El Salvador

Quintanilha- Paraguay

Rose- Uruguay

Emily Shea- Panama

Haily Shea- Peru

Smith- Honduras

Souza- Cuba

F Block Countries for the Latin America World Nations Report and Cultural Traditions

Bolcome- Brazil

Burke- Mexico

Connolly- Honduras

Donahue- Cuba

Graffeo- Suriname

Marrone- Venezuela

Palazola- Argentina

Piraino- Peru

Quince- Bolivia

Scuderi- Haiti

Silva- Dominican Republic

Stasio- Belize

Ulrich- Colombia

Verga- Guatemala

Wood- Panama

Monday, December 14, 2020

"Lord of War" film assignment

Student learning objective- Students will record facts and quotes from the movie "Lord of War" and students will explain why the fact is important to Eurasia and/or the world and what the quote means and why it is important.
There are many movies we can watch as a class after the completion of the Former Soviet Union's and its Satellite Nations' unit.  "Behind Enemy Lines", "The Beast", and "Miracle" are many that study other historically accurate facets of the region.  I choose to show "Lord of War" for several reasons.  First, it is a great movie that showcases topics that are deeply political and affected not just the former Soviet Union but the entire world.  Secondly, it is a very different type of movie than "Map For Saturday" or "Enemy at the Gates".  We try to watch many different genres of films in World Regions 11 in hopes to appeal to all students eventually.  The main characters in "Lord of War" are fictional names, but this was created in attempt to understand the arms heist and ensuing arms deals after the fall of the Soviet Union.  The movie points out so many true things about the current state of the world including facts about many of the things we learn in class, like the United Nations, CIA, Interpol, Ukraine, Liberia, Lebanon, Bolivia, etc.

After the completion of the film, 12/16-12/17, the class will have a film discussion.  After the film discussion, that day in class, I will collect the assignment. Google docs is fine.  The assignment is very simple.  Record facts and quotes from the film.  For facts, write down things you observe that show something about geographic, social, economic, political, historic, etc factors.  Quotes that we record are spoken words that are so insightful that indicate facts, but are so interesting or powerful that we do not paraphrase.  Why are the facts important?  What do the quotes mean and why are they important? The class will also discuss the main point of the film- How did the end of the Soviet Union lead to arms dealers feeding war zones in Latin America, Asia and Africa? Template for facts and quotes recording is below.

FACTS                                                                           QUOTES

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Studying for the Eurasia Test, which is Friday 12/11

 The Eurasia Test will be taken 12/11 during class time.  The Test can be found on google classroom 12/11 and is comprised of multiple choice and short open responses 100% based on class notes, discussion and the course essential questions.  There will be NO zoom Friday 12/11 this time only.  This will make it so students have maximum time to finish the Summative assessment on our study of the region Eurasia.

The class review game, Thursday 12/10, will go over the course essential questions specifically for the region of Eurasia (Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia)

  1. What impact has Geography had on the development of regions?
  2. How has Religion, Philosophy, and Ideology affected regions?
  3. What role has Imperialism played in shaping regions and cultures therein?
  4. How has Nationalism been instrumental in affecting regions?
  5. How have Governments formed and evolved over time in
  6. regions?
  7. What are the important and ongoing Issues in regions?
  8. How has Innovation/Technology changed regions and cultures within those regions?
  9. How have Interactions between civilizations impacted regions?
  10. How have Economic Systems and Trade impacted regions?

Sunday, December 6, 2020

"Enemy at the Gates" Questions

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will develop an understanding of what lengths the Soviet Union had to go to to win the Battle of Stalingrad.

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will judge Communism in at least one situation (The USSR).  They are free to use outside knowledge as well.

Scene 2

  1. How are Soviet troops brought to the battle of Stalingrad?
  2. Why do Soviet officers shoot those who retreat?
  3. What problems do the Soviets have to overcome at this battle?
  4. What are the different type of soldiers that help the USSR win the battle?
Scene 5

5.Who takes leadership at the battle of Stalingrad?  What do you know his name from?
6. What idea do the Soviets use to try to win the battle?

Scene 8

7. Whose picture is on the wall? What's the purpose and importance of that?
8. Does this quote surprise you with what you know about the USSR? "Caviar is a luxury we have...Vodka is a luxury we have...Time is not!"  Why or why not?

Scenes 9-10, 12, 16

9. As also viewed in the courtyard scene earlier in the film, what was the battle inside the battle of Stalingrad?
10. Why was it important?

Scene 18
11. Based on Danninov's comments, can Communism work?  Feel free to include Koulikov's comments from earlier in the film or your knowledge.

After the film scenes are completed, the class will discuss the questions.  Then, students are expected to submit a reflection to the google classroom that follows the following parameters.

  • The US won WWII partially because of the resilience and success of their allies, the Soviet Union.  What lengths did the Soviet Union have to go to to win the Battle of Stalingrad?
  • Based on what you know and what you saw in the movie, Enemy at the Gates, why does Communism succeed or fail?

Friday, December 4, 2020

12/4 Review

 Review Student Learning Objective- Through analyzing the appearance of important historical figures in modern Eurasian history, students will be able to recall important facts about leaders due to their appearances resembling their beliefs and actions.

Describe pictures of the following and link to appearance to historical impact on the region:
Karl Marx
Vladimir Lenin
Leon Trotsky
Joseph Stalin
Nikita Khrushchev
Leonid Brezhnev
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin
Vladimir Putin
Dmitry Medvedev

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Armenian Genocide

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to summarize the causes, events during, and effects of the Armenian Genocide

Film clip- 1915- Armenian Genocide


  • Some ________________ did not like Armenians because they were linguistically and religiously different
  • Armenians lived in ________________  and the ________________ Empire.  The Ottomans were worried that Armenians could be spies during WWI


  • Armenian ________________ killed
  • Special Organization was formed out of criminals and they killed many Armenians
  • The goal of a ________________ is to annihilate all members of a group.  This was no different.  The Ottoman empire was trying to kill all Armenians.


  • Over 1,000,000 ________________ dead
  • Some escaped to places like America...Armenian names in America- ________________ , Azarian, Bedrosian
  • ________________ was established after the fall of USSR
  • ________________ does not recognize the Armenian Genocide
  • USA is not one of the 25 countries like UK who do because their relationship with ________________ is fragile
  • ________________ used Armenian Genocide as justification for the Holocaust

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

End of USSR 2020-2021

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will be able to explain why Communism failed in the Soviet Union and why the USSR ceased to exist and broke up into non-Communist nations.

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will be able to identify what Eastern European and Eurasian countries were USSR member nations, satellite nations, Former Yugoslavia, etc.

Page 458- Weaknesses of Soviet Economy/Reasons for the fall of the USSR:

  • Lack of _________________
  • Lack of _________________
  • Overemphasis on _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________ problems
472- Former USSR member nations:
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
Former Satellite Nations: 
Former Czechoslovakia-
  • _________________
  • _________________
Former Yugoslavia
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
  • _________________
Relevant Film clips:
1986- Chernobyl
1991- End of USSR
1992- Reduce nukes
Enemy at the Gates
Lord of War

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, etc notes and Quiz 3 and Quiz 4 Study guides

World Regions and Cultures 11- Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, etc.

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain causes and effects of specific regimes in Russia and the surrounding region.

Film clips:

1956-Hungarian Uprising
1957- Sputnik
1959- Khrushchev visits the US
1961- Yuri Gagarin
1968- Prague Spring (Czech Uprising)


  1. Stalin was _____________ or Communist dictator from 1928 until 1953
  2. Stalin died in 1953 and Nikita Khrushchev became Premier after sharing power for 3 years 

  3. His personality included high ups and low downs
    1. Debate with Nixon- He said "bye bye" to the _____________ 
    2. Taking his shoe off at the ___ - slammed it on a podium and said "we will bury you" 
  1. He was a high ranked General at the battle of _____________ 
  2. He was respected by Stalin and fought bravely for Stalin
  3. He shocked the USSR when he criticized Stalin after his death
  4. _____________ released some of Stalin’s enemies, made censorship lighter and made it legal to criticize Stalin
  5. It was still illegal to criticize Khrushchev
  6. _____________ was still banned
  7. Khrushchev’s 5 year _______ made consumer goods which was well received and still is
  8. Massive purchase of grain from the US and others in 1963- US-Soviet grain deal was $100,000,000.  He did not allow _____________ like Stalin
  9. ___________was a direct communication link between the White House and the Kremlin
  10. _____________ test ban was signed
  11. He ordered the building of the _____________ wall
  12. Why? 3 million people had escaped from East Berlin to West Berlin
  13. He caused the _____________ missile crisis by donating nuclear weapons to Fidel Castro
  14. He was forced to resign in 1964
  15. Leonid Brezhnev shared power from 1964 until 1970 and was Premier from 1970 until 1982 

  16. _____________ was to relax Cold War tensions (pic 450 Our World)
  17. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks or _____________ 
  18. SALT II
  19. Invasion of _____________ in 1978
  20. KGB crushed underground literature
  21. _____________ production was behind
  22. _____________ production was behind
  23. People were clearly unhappy with Communism
  24. Brezhnev died in 1982
Quiz #3 is Tuesday, 12/1:

Mikhail Gorbachev became Premier in 1985
He withdrew USSR from ___________________
Glasnost or ___________________
 .    Freedom of speech, press and religion
Perestroika or ___________________
-Formed local governments, etc.
Allows ___________________ in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Yugoslavia
Berlin Wall is allowed to be torn down and Germany reunites as non-Communist
USSR splits into 15 separate Republics and none of them ___________________!
Election held and Boris Yeltsin takes 57% of the Popular Vote

Yeltsin was the son of an anti-Stalin prisoner
Member of the CPSU (1961-1990)
 Politburo Member
Mayor of Moscow under Perestroika
Ally of US

Impeached twice, resigned 1999
Vladimir Putin- president 2 terms, created the ____________ Minister position for himself when Dmitry Medvedev was President and is now President again!

Miscellaneous- Quiz #4 is Wednesday, 12/2:
Balkan Mountains 
Baltic Sea 
Caucasus Mountains
St. Petersburg (Leningrad/Petrograd) 
Tian Shan 
Volgograd (Stalingrad) 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Stalin Notes and Quiz 2 Study guide

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of Stalin's regime in the USSR.
World Regions and Cultures 11- Stalin Notes (733-737)
  1. Go to page 437 of “Our World”.  How is the Communist party supposed to work?

Members of the Soviet Communist party are supposed to ________________ the Communist Party Congress, and they elect Central Committee, and they elect Politburo, and they elect the General Secretary

  1. What really ended up happening?
The General Secretary _______________to the subordinate groups and there were NO elections

  1. How does this explain How Stalin got in power and Stalin in general?

When Vladimir Lenin died, Joseph Stalin, the general Secretary of the ________________ party started ________________ and did not let ________________ happen

  1. Explain the appearance of the Allies on page 441.

GB's Winston Churchill, USA's FDR and USSR's Joseph Stalin...Stalin looks confident.  Churchill did not get re-elected and FDR died so Stalin took advantage of that and did not hold true to his promises.

  1. What did WWII conference say about Eastern Europe? (Bullets at the top of 442)

  • Germany would be disarmed
  • Germany and ________________ were divided
  • USSR received some of Poland
  • Poland received some of Germany territory
  • ________________ were supposed to happen in Eastern Europe

  1. What are the reasons why the USSR distrusted and feared the US? (444)

  • The US was the only country to possess ________________ bombs/nuclear weapons and actually use them too
  • Capitalism and Communism were supposed to clash (________________ )
  • Anti-________________ policies of the US were hostile
  • US combined ________________ zones with FR and GB
  • The US never fought NAZIs in Russia in ________________

  1. What are the reasons why the US distrusted and feared the USSR? (444)

  • USSR did not allow elections promised
  • Communism growing in ________________  Europe (Greece, FR and Italy)
  • Communism in ________________ - China, NK and Vietnam, etc
  • Capitalism vs. Communism being acted out

  1. What are the areas of conflict from page 444 and 445 of Our World?
________________ Race, ________________ Race, Espionage (________________ and CIA), Propaganda, Alliances (NATO vs. Warsaw Pact), Proxy Wars

  1. What are the most heroic stories you have ever heard?

  1. What are the most horrific stories you have ever heard?

  1. What are the bloodiest battles of all time?

  1. What are the bloodiest wars of all time (top 3)?

  1. What country lost the most people to death and injuries in those wars?

  1. Joseph Stalin’s name at birth was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili but the one he chose meant “man of ________________
  2. Stalin abandoned Lenin’s NEP even though it was working!  He was in a rush to catch up to countries that were “50 years ahead” or “they will crush us”.  He instituted __ year plans setting goals for hydroelectric power, steel mills, coal and oil production, chemical and machine factories, etc.  He prioritized heavy industries over consumer goods.
  3. You could not go to the store, you waited in ________________ and got what everybody else received.  At one point in the Soviet Union, there was a 3 hour wait for 1 roll of toilet paper.
  4. Stalin organized all farming together in ________________ Farms which was a mistake and led to massive starvation.  It was too big a country to do this with.
  5. Some ________________ or wealthy farmers in the South of Russia, resisted Collectivization.  Stalin had 3,000,000 eliminated.  This was called the Anti-Kulak campaign
  6. This was one of his  many ________________
  7. Russia lost over 10,000,000 in ________________ which was the most deaths any country sustained
  8. USSR lost over 20,000,000 men in ________________ and that was second only to China
  9. Non-Aggression pact of 1939 or ________________ -Stalin Pact was infamous
  10. Why did Hitler make the pact?
  11. Why did Stalin make the pact?
  12. The US was upset but would not have won WWII without the Soviet victories
Key Soviet WWII victories




Film clips:

  • 1917- Bolshevik Revolution
  • 1924- Death of Lenin
  • 1953- Death of Joseph Stalin
Revisit- Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of Stalin's regime in the USSR.
Activity- Students discuss to show learning.
Study for Quiz #2 of Quarter 2 (Eurasia Map Quiz) which is Wednesday, 11/25!

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Macedonia (FYRM)

Monday, November 23, 2020

Beginning of Communism Notes

World Regions and Cultures 11- Beginning of Communism Notes (729-733)

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of the 1917 Bolshevik Russian Revolution

Discussion Questions
  1. Make a list of words that you would long for if the following was true.  The only people that live in luxury are born into it.  There is no middle class. Your leader and the nobles believe they were put there by God.  90% of your country is extremely poor and there were no opportunities in life outside of military service even though your country was the largest in the world and has had a historically strong military.

2.            Why did Communism appeal to these people specifically?

3.            Draw comparisons of the US economy in 2017 and Russia’s economy in the early 1900’s.

4.            Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848.  It taught that:
a.            The working class should overthrow the capitalist class
b.            Communism would be socialism with a strong ______________ control
c.            All people would be financially ______________
d.            There would be a clash between Communism and ______________
e.            Communism would take over the entire ______________
f.             A ______________ would be necessary at first but then the dictatorship should be gone after enough time and it would just turn into Socialism
5.            Nicholas II abdicated because of angry crowds
6.            A provisional government was set up that allowed freedom of speech and religion
    1. ______________ or councils were made up of workers, soldiers and peasants
7.            Marxism was popular
    1. Julius Martov and the Mensheviks believed that everyone should be in the Communist party
    2. Vladimir ______________ and the Bolsheviks believed that 5% of the population would rule for the people

8.            Lenin prevailed in a revolution and then civil war
    1. Whites or pro-czarists against ______________ or pro-Bolsheviks
9.            In 1917, Lenin pulled Russia out of ______________
    1. His slogans “Peace, Land and Bread” and “All Power to the Soviets” were popular
10. After bitter years of civil war, the Bolsheviks came out on top in 1922.  The Communists had control of the factories, mines, banks, businesses, etc and made everything under government control.  So many people has died and the economy was struggling.  Lenin established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or ______________ or ______________
11.          He also instituted the New Economic Policy or ______________
12.          The NEP allowed some private businesses and people selling surpluses for private gains.  The government controlled only “heavy industries”.  The economy started doing well!
13.          Lenin died in 1924 without naming a successor.  People wondered if it would be the General Secretary of the Communist party, Joseph ______________ or the Leader of the Red Army, Leon Trotsky.
14.          Stalin won a power struggle and unfortunately, Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico in 1940 by KGB agents after years of hiding

16.          Film clips (check off)
    1. 1904 Russo-Japanese War ______________
    2. 1917 Bolshevik Revolution ______________
    3. 1924- Death of Lenin ______________

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of the 1917 Bolshevik Russian Revolution

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Rus to Russia/ Czars outline

World Regions and Cultures 11- Rus to Russia/ Czars outline ( pages 712-726)
Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to summarize the modern empire of Russia during Czarist rule and before Communism.
II. Early Traditions
A.      Kievan Rus
a.       The first Russian state emerged in the late 800’s AD in _____________
b.      ­_____________was the capital obviously
c.       _____________was their writing
d.      They were Eastern _____________religiously
B.      Mongol Rule
a.       Mongols controlled _____________for 250 years forcing Russians to pay taxes or tribute
b.      The Mongol leader was called the khan which is where people think the concept of _____________came from
C.      The Rise of Moscow
a.       Moscow became the Russian capital
b.      Ivan III or Ivan the _____________ruled from 1462 until 1505, made a strong, unified Russia and stopped paying the Mongols tribute
                                                               i.      The first time czar (tsar) was used
                                                             ii.      He was an autocrat, which had ultimate power
c.       Ivan IV or Ivan the _____________conducted a reign of terror
                                                               i.      Feudalism was extreme in Russia
D.      A “Window to the West”
a.       Peter I or Peter the _____________hired western engineers, shipbuilders and other experts to westernize and modernize Russia’s army and navy as well as build modern industries
                                                               i.      New capital St. Petersburg/_____________on the Baltic
                                                             ii.      Men had to _____________their beards
                                                            iii.      Women stopped wearing _____________to cover their faces
                                                           iv.      People started wearing western clothing
b.      ­­_____________the Great continued his policies
                                                               i.      ­_____________was spoken in the court
III. Patterns of Life
A.      Russian society
a.       Czars/nobility had absolute control over the serfs
B.      The Russian Orthodox Church
a.       The government had power over the church after Peter the Great
C.      Peasant Life
IV. Dynamics of Change
A.      Russian Expansion
a.       Siberia added
                                                                                       i.      Fur
                                                                                     ii.      Farmland?
                                                                                    iii.      Mineral resources
                                                                                   iv.      Prison camps
b.      Peter the Great and Catherine the Great expanded Russia drastically which created tensions
B.      Revolt and Repression
a.       Serfs wanted freedom
b.      French Revolution was inspiring to people
c.       Decembrist _____________was crushed
d.      Anti-Semitism means anti-_____________
                                                                                       i.      Pogroms- government sponsored attacks on Jewish villages
C.      Limited Reform
a.       Alexander II freed the serfs
D.      Effects of Industrialization
a.       Peasants flocked to the cities for jobs in _____________
E.       Revolutionary Movements
a.       Socialists and other radicals were targeted by Alexander III and Nicholas II
F.       Bloody Sunday
a.       Massacre of thousands of protestors
G.     Revolution of 1905
a.       Riots and strikes happened spurred by Bloody Sunday
b.      Czar Nicholas II established the Duma, an assembly to establish reforms
V. Growth of Nations in Eastern Europe
A. Geographic Setting
a. modern-day countries are based on ethnic diversity
B. Poland
a. Polish nationalism grew in the 19th century to have a Poland ruled by ethnic and linguistic Poles
C. Hungary
a. Austria and Hungary took over most of Eastern Europe from 1867-1918 in a dual monarchy called Austria-_____________before their defeat in WWI and dissolution into many smaller nations ruled by their own ethnic groups
D. Struggles in the Balkans
a. Ethnic tensions existed for centuries
b. WWI started in the Balkans
E. The Impact of the 2 World Wars
a. ethnic minorities picked on
b. The need for self-determination was clear