Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Korea (374-387)

QUIZ #4!

Bizarre film clip of the day- Party Rock Anthem featuring Kim Jong Il

This lesson connects to the following course Essential Questions:
Essential Question #4- How has Nationalism been instrumental in affecting East Asia?

Essential Question #6- What are the important and ongoing Issues in East Asia?

Homogeneous society
Korean geography

  • Mountains
  • Plains
  • Coastline
  • Yalu River
Natural resources
  • more farming land in South
  • More mineral resources in North --> nuclear power
  • Rivers-->hydroelectric power
  • Silla
  • Koryo
  • Choson
"Hermit Kingdom"
Japanese rule
Korean Nationalism
1945- WWII ends and Korea is partitioned at 38th Parallel
  • Pyongyang
  • Seoul
Korean War 1950-1953 (film clip)
  • North tries to turn all of Korean peninsula communist
  • US drives NK all the way to Yalu River
  • PRC intervenes
  • Armistice- 38th parallel- DMZ established
Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong Il
"Axis of Evil"
Kim Jong Un
Syngman Rhee
Park Geun-hye
South Korean industries

  • Hyundai
  • Kia
  • Daewoo
  • Samsung
  • LG
  • Baseball

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