Monday, April 5, 2021

G block South and Southeast Asia Group Work- Do 4/5 after intro

These questions connect to the World Regions 11 Essential Questions
  1. What impact has Geography had on the development of South and Southeast Asia?
  2. How has Religion, Philosophy, and Ideology affected
  3. South and Southeast Asia?
  4. What role has Imperialism played in shaping South and Southeast Asia and cultures therein?
  5. How has Nationalism been instrumental in affecting South and Southeast Asia?
  6. How have Governments formed and evolved over time in
  7. South and Southeast Asia?
  8. What are the important and ongoing Issues in
  9. South and Southeast Asia?
  10. How has Innovation/Technology changed
  11. South and Southeast Asia and cultures within the region?
  12. How have Interactions between civilizations impacted South and Southeast Asia?
  13. How have Economic Systems and Trade impacted South and Southeast Asia?

World Regions and Cultures 11- South and Southeast Asia Group Work
Group 1- The Shape of the Land (pages 161-164)- Costanzo, Macchi, Barbs
Directions: Group 1 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. What 2 mountain ranges separate South Asia from the rest of Asia?
  2. India or South Asia is called a _________________ because it is not a continent, it is a part of Asia, but it is separated from all other places by mountains and bodies of water.
  3. South Asia also includes _________________, _________________, _________________, _________________ and _________________
  4. What plain is South of the Hindu-Kush and Himalayas?
  5. What are the important rivers of India?
  6. The _________________ Plateau is south of the Indus-Ganges Plain
  7. The _________________ are the low-lying mountain ranges on the Eastern and Western Coast of India.  They are typically called “hill ranges”, not even mountain ranges.
  8. Discussion question- Why do you think India has such a large population?

Group 2- Climate and Resources (pages 165-170)- Gillis, Battle, Benway
Directions: Group 2 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. _________________ is a seasonal wind that dominates the climate of South Asia.
  2. Monsoon means _________________ in Arabic.
  3. Discussion question- What do people think Monsoon means?
  4. _________________ is one of the most densely population nations in the world.  India is the 2nd most populated country in the world, Pakistan is 6th and this country is 8th.  Most people do not realize that.
  5. Most of Bangladesh’s population is in the _________________  in between the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers
  6. _________________ is one of India’s major export crops and it grows best in a warm climate with plentiful rainfall.  Not all areas have a climate like that.  Some areas do not get as much rain from the monsoons, so climates and vegetation vary very much.
  7. Most of South Asia has a _________________ climate
  8. India has many resources and that is part of the reason why India and Pakistan have _________________ power today even though the UN says they should not.
  9. There are many different religious groups in South Asia.  They are Muslims, _________________, Christians, _________________ and Buddhists.
  10. Even a small country like Nepal has many languages spoken.  India has 15 official languages and over 700 dialects spoken!  The most commonly spoken language is _________________ though

Group 3- Early Civilizations of India (pages 170-174)- Smith, Olsen, Moore
Directions: Group 3 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. What are the most important attributes of the Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. What were the Aryans like?
  2. Where did they come from?
  3. What effect did they have on South Asia?
  4. Discussion Question- Where in history have you heard the word Aryan before?
  5. What was the Aryan language called?
  6. Historians know that Hinduism came from Aryan religious beliefs because they believed in polytheism.  What does polytheism mean?
  7. The Aryans divided people into 4 social _________________
  8. This led to the more rigid _________________ system which is still very strong in India today even though it is illegal
Group 4- Religious Traditions (pages 177-182)- Joseph, Haily Shea, Lidia Q
Directions: Group 4 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. Hindus worship hundreds of gods.  Each god is part of a supreme force called _________________.
  2. Out of the hundreds of gods there are 3 main gods.  Brahma is the creator, _________________ is the preserver and Siva is the destroyer.
  3. Hindus believe that all things in nature are part of the same universal soul so they stress the idea of _________________.  That is why many Hindus are vegetarian and the Cow is sacred to them.
  4. Hindus do not believe that people go to heaven or hell when they die.  They believe in _________________ which means their soul is reborn in a similar or different form
  5. _________________ is their belief that everything they do will affect them.  Good deeds should help their lives and soul and bad deeds will come back to haunt them.  It is like the concept of “what goes around, comes around.”
  6. _________________ is the rules or duties and obligations that each Hindu must follow.  A person’s caste affects their Dharma, which affects their Karma, which affects their reincarnation!
  7. Discussion question- What is your opinion of Hindu beliefs?
  8. What is Siddhartha Gautama known as?
  9. The Buddha taught the 4 noble truths: suffering is universal, the cause of suffering is desire, the only way to end suffering is to crush desire and the way to end desire is to follow the “Noble Eightfold Path”.  Many Buddhists do not drink, use drugs or have sex because of this.  If they give up desire, they can reach _________________, which is a release from reincarnation.  They also believe in Karma.
  10. Discussion question- What is your opinion of Buddhist beliefs?
Group 5- Powerful Empires (pages 183-188)- Emily Shea, Machant, Rose
Directions: Group 5 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. What does dynasty mean?
  2. How long did the Maurya dynasty rule for?
  3. What empire lasted from 320 AD-535 AD?
  4. Around 1200 where did Muslim rulers set up at capital?
  5. What is a Muslim “sultan”?
  6. Who attacked and destroyed Delhi?
  7. In 1526, Mongols invaded again.  They founded what empire?
  8. Why do Hindus and Muslims traditionally not get along?
    1. Muslims believed in monotheism and Hindus believe in polytheism
    2. Muslims believe everyone is equal and Hindus believe in the ___________________ system
    3. Muslims ate cattle and Hindus believed they were sacred
    4. Muslims believe in afterlife and Hindus believe in reincarnation
    5. Differences led to fighting and fighting has led to bad blood
  9. Discussion Question- What do you think of when you think of India (buildings)?
  10. Shah Jahan hired architects to build the ___________________ as a monument to his wife.  It took 20,000 artisans and 22 years to complete!

Group 6- Patterns of Life (pages 189-193)- 
Directions: Group 5 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. What is decided by caste?
  2. What is the lowest caste called?
  3. What jobs do untouchables have?
  4. The family is very ___________________
  5. Often, families ___________________ marriages for children at an early age
  6. Women were supposed to live in ___________________ or seclusion
  7. As the caste rules hardened, widows were forbidden to remarry.  It became common for women to throw themselves on the fire at their husband’s funeral
  8. Discussion Question- What do you think of the caste system, arranged marriage and Hindu rules toward women?

Group 7- The shape of the Land (SE Asia) - Pages 249-252- 
Directions: Group 7 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. What are the 5 countries of mainland Southeast Asia?
  2. What is the other name for Myanmar?
  3. What are the 5 major independent island nations of Southeast Asia?
  4. What is an island chain called?
  5. Most of SE Asia has a ________________ climate
  6. Metals such as tin, nickel and ________________ are found here
  7. One third of the world’s ________________ is grown in the river deltas here
  8. Discussion question- What role does rice have in our diet, economy, etc.?

Group 8-Early Traditions (SE Asia) - Pages 253-257- 
Directions: Group 8 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.
  1. Civilizations formed in ________________ valleys just like everywhere else in the world
  2. Most of Southeast Asia remained independent, but ________________ did conquer parts before and after the Europeans.
  3. ________________ built the kingdom of Pagan along the Irrawaddy River
  4. The ________________ kingdom controlled the Mekong River delta in what is Cambodia today
  5. What religion is most prevalent throughout this religion?
  6. What country has two parts- one on the tip of the Malay Peninsula and one on the Northern part of the island of Borneo?
  7. What tiny country is also in the very northern part of Borneo?
  8. What country is an island city that is at the tip of the Malay Peninsula?
  9. The people of Thailand have their roots because of what ancient kingdom?

Group 9- Patterns of Life (SE Asia) – Pages 258-262- 
Directions: Group 9 must answer all of these questions.  The rest of the groups must record their answers when discussed in class at a later date.

  1. ________________ Buddhism took root in MyanmarThailandLaosCambodia.
  2. ________________ Buddhists believe that ordinary people and monks can achieve enlightenment.
  3. Both sects of Buddhists believe that men and women can reach ________________
  4. ________________ is the most populated Muslim country in the world and it is nowhere near the Middle East
  5. Christianity was brought to the ________________ by the Spanish and Americans
  6. What do you think of when you think of Southeast Asia?

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