Thursday, April 8, 2021

GB in India and colonialism in Southeast Asia

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to summarize centuries of imperialism in South and Southeast Asia.

This lesson connects to Essential Question #3- What role has Imperialism played in shaping the South Asia and Southeast Asia and cultures therein?

"Wacky Indian Video of the Day"- Benny Lava


Mogul Empire
British East India Company control of India (1600-1858)
7 Years War
Sepoy Mutiny
Great Britain control of India (1858-1947)
Reasons for British success:

  • "Divide and conquer"
  • Religious conflicts between Hindus and Muslims
  • Advanced technology
Imperialist policy of GB in India
  • Railroads to transport resources, troops, workers
  • Irrigation- cotton production went up and led to success of British textile mills
  • education
  • modern medicine
  • Indians used in army and government- "Divide and rule"
Map pg 267
_________________? Indonesia
_________________? Burma/Myanmar, Malaysia
_________________? Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos (IndoChina)
_________________? Papua New Guinea
_________________? East Timor
_________________? Philippines

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