Thursday, September 17, 2020

September 17 is Constitution Day!

Student Learning Objective: Students will compare and contrast the US Constitution with other constitutions or other law codes from around the world.


  1. Mr. Cook goes over the directions with the whole class
  2. Questions?
  3. Students are put in a break out room.  Based on the room, you will click on one of the links below
  4. Each group reads about a country's constitution or law code.
  5. After everybody reads, discuss as a group how you will present (informally) to the rest of the class how you will compare and contrast the constitution of the US to another country's constitution or lack thereof.  Mr. cook will check on each breakout room.  Start writing your personal reflection if you are waiting.  
  6. When each group seems to be ready, we will return to a whole class zoom.  Each group will take a turn reporting their information and analysis to the class.  It is OK to have one student from each group give a quick oral report.
  7. The whole class can debate each group's findings.
  8. Students submit a thoughtful paragraph minimum reflection to google classroom in the classwork section.  Please do not merely share it.  For your reflection, feel free to explain things you found in your group or feel free to comment on something any group presented that was interesting, wrong, scary, compelling, etc. Feel free to share your opinions on anything discussed today.

Breakout room #1- Sharia Law (vs. US Constitution)

Breakout room #2- British law vs. US Law

Breakout room #3- Brazilian law vs. US law

Breakout room #4- Japanese law vs. US law

Breakout room #5- Australian constitution vs. American Constitution

Breakout room #6- Indian constitution vs. American Constitution Just for fun if you are interested later

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